Audi Hydron Amphibious

Audi Hydron Amphibious

Wah nambah lagi satu teknologi dari Jerman dalam membuat mobil yang dapat "hidup" di dua alam yaitu darat dan air, Audi Hydron Amphibious adalah nama yang diberikan kepada mobil yang satu ini akan tetapi perlu diuji coba dulu ga yah di Jakarta yang memang sudah langganan banjir kalau musim hujan :P bener ga sob ? heheee siapa tau aja laku keras kayak kacang goreng karena bisa memenuhi kebutuhan warga ibukota terlebih lagi kalau harganya terjangkauuuuuu banget nget hahahaaa (

David Cardoso's Concept: The Audi Hydron Amphibious

David Cardoso reimagines the Audi with this: The Audi Hydron. An automoboat that can serve as a car and a boat. Here's what David said about his latest conceptual creation:

"The Audi Hydron is a 3 seat, electric amphibious vehicle with the looks of a road car that can be used as a "boat" when necessary. Today, most amphibious vehicles are transformed road vehicles. The Hydron, on the other hand, is especially designed to give an original mix between land and water capacities.

The doors have a hollow structure to guide the water from the front to the rear wheelarches. In water, the Hydron is propelled by hollow axe wheels. Each wheel is driven by an electric engine that can turn 90°.

Keren yah sob ? hmmm .. berapa yah pajaknya ? :D
Jadi sampai kapan nih Indonesia jadi KONSUMEN terus menerus ??? Kapan jadi PRODUSEN nya dong ?!?!?!?!

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Label: Berita

Tags: Audi Hydron Amphibious, High End Car, Luxury Car, High Tech Car, David Cardoso's Concept

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