Heiko Westermann dipastikan batal memperkuat skuad lini belakang (defend) Tim Panser Jerman, kemenangan 3-0 atas Hungaria dalam partai persahabatan sekaligus uji coba sebelum berlaga di piala dunia 2010 Afrika Selatan ternyata harus dibayar mahal dengan hilangnya Heiko Westermann karena cedera.
Kemenangan telak atas Hungaria benar-benar membuat cedera serius pada Heiko Westermann (26). Defender asal klub Schalke 04 ini mengalami retak pada tulang kakinya yang kemudian langsung dilarikan ke rumah sakit untuk pemeriksaan lebih lanjut.
Heiko Westermann dipercaya oleh "arsitek" Tim Panser Jerman Joachim Loew untuk memperkuat lini pertahanan bersama-sama dengan Philipp Lahm, Per Mertesacker, Arne Friedrich sekaligus membantu mobilitas dari Bastian Schweinsteiger dan Michael Ballack di lini tengah (Midfield). Absennya Heiko Wetermann ini benar-benar pukulan telak buat kubu Jerman walaupun Joachim Loew masih memiliki beberapa pemain pengganti di lini belakang seperti Marcell Jansen, Serdar Tasci dan Andreas Beck.
Perkembangan teknologi saat ini sudah bisa dirasakan oleh hampir semua pihak terlebih lagi hadirnya promosi-promosi harga berlangganan internet dengan biaya yang terjangkau oleh kita. Namun jika penggunaan fasilitas internet tersebut tidak dikontrol oleh pihak dewasa khususnya orang tua terhadap anak-anaknya dalam menggunakan fasilitas internet tersebut. Anti Porn Pro merupakan suatu program yang dibuat guna mengatasi kekhawatiran para orang tua ditengah-tengah makin rawannya situs-situs porno yang berada di dalam dunia maya tersebut. Semoga dengan hadirnya program ini dapat mengatasi hal yang belum sepantasnya dilakukan oleh para anak-anak dalam membuka situs-situs dewasa tersebut dengan memblok situs pornodengan Anti Porn Pro v.14.0 di komputer kita.
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Pemerintah sedang mengkaji larangan bagi sepeda motor untuk mempergunakan Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) bersubsidi, bensin jenis premium.
Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas (Dirjen Migas) Evita Herawati Legowo menuturkan, pihaknya sudah melakukan pembicaraan dengan Asosiasi Industri Sepeda Motor Indonesia (AISI). "Kami sudah mengadakan pembicaraan kepada mereka (AISI), sepertinya sepeda motor tidak boleh lagi," ujar dia di Kementerian Enegi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Jakarta, Rabu 26 Mei 2010.
Menurut dia, pihaknya terus melakukan pembahasan-pembahasan mekanisme pembatasan konsumsi BBM dan opsi mana yang akan digunakan.
Evita juga mengatakan, kemungkinan yang diperbolehkan menggunakan BBM bersubsidi adalah angkutan umum dan kendaraan pribadi jenis tertentu. "Yang angkutan umum sudah disepakati boleh menggunakan BBM bersubsidi," kata dia.
Pengkajian itu, dia menambahkan, diputuskan sudah selesai akhir Juni sehingga Agustus mendatang bisa segera diujicobakan. "Daerah uji coba kemungkinan di Jawa," tutur Evita. (mt) Sumber: VIVAnews http://bisnis.vivanews.com/news/read/153578-sepeda_motor_tak_boleh_konsumsi_bbm_subsidi
Bank Indonesia menyatakan terpaksa mengorder pencetakan uang pecahan Rp 100 ribu dan Rp 50 ribu dari Australia dengan alasan tidak ada fasilitasnya di dalam negeri. Menurut Sumber Tempo di Bank Indonesia, dua jenis uang pecahan itu menggunakan bahan plastik (polimer).
"Kami pesan di luar negeri karena (Perusahaan Percetakan Uang Negara RI) kita belum punya fasilitas untuk cetak polimer," kata Sumber Tempo melalui sambungan telepon, Selasa (25/4). "Sementara Australia dipilih karena paling dekat," kata dia.
Waktu itu, ungkapnya, Bank Indonesia telah melakukan studi yang akhirnya menemukan jawaban kalau bahan polimer lebih tahan lama dari bahan kertas, seperti selama ini digunakan. "Tapi Peruri tidak punya alatnya, dan sampai sekarang Peruri hanya punya alat cetak yang kertas," kata dia.
Selain itu, alasan pencetakan uang di luar negeri karena kemendesakan. Pasca krisis ekonomi 1997-1998, Bank Indonesia mengalami kekurangan uang cash. "Ada nuansa kebutuhan uang yang begitu besarnya. Waktu krisis itu kan terjadi rush cash. Itu salah satu pemicunya," ujarnya.
Menurutnya, pencetakan uang pecahan menggunakan bahan polimer hanya berlansung beberapa tahun saja. Setelah itu balik lagi pencetakan uang pecahan Rp 100 ribu dan Rp 50 ribu menggunakan bahan kertas.
Pejabat senior Bank Indonesia disebut-sebut menerima suap US$ 1,3 juta. Suap itu terkait persetujuan mereka atas kontrak pencetakan uang pecahan Rp 100 ribu (warna merah bergambar Presiden Soekarno dan Wakil Presiden Muhammad Hatta) dan Rp 50 ribu (warna biru bergambar Presiden Soeharto) oleh perusahaan percetakan uang negara Australia atau Securency International and Note Printing Australia tahun 1999.
Harian The Age Australia melansir dokumen korespondensi perwakilan perusahaan Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) atau bank sentral Australia di Jakarta, Radius Christanto dengan pejabat Securency International. RBA adalah bank sentral sekaligus otoritas pencetak uang di Australia.
Dalam korespondensi itu, Christanto meminta sejumlah uang suap itu sebagai komitmen kesepakatan dengan pejabat BI untuk memenangkan kontrak pencetakan 500 juta lembar pecahan Rp 100 ribu. Pejabat BI yang dimaksud berinisial "S" dan "M".
Direktur Perencanaan Strategis dan Hubungan Masyarakat Bank Indonesia, Dyah Nastiti Makhijani mengatakan pihaknya tengah mempelajari kasus tersebut. "Berita tersebut baru menyebutkan informasi dari sisi seorang broker, yang kebenarannya masih harus dipelajari," kata Dyah kepada Tempo.
AGUS SUPRIYANTO TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/perbankan_keuangan/2010/05/25/brk,20100525-250320,id.html
NAZI UFO CONSPIRACY, setidaknya itu adalah judul dari video yang saya dapatkan dari Youtube; berisikan hal-hal tentang teknologi NAZI Jerman pada saat Perang Dunia ke 2 (World War Two).
Dalam video NAZI UFO CONSPIRACY ini adalah (setidaknya) perjalanan akhir cerita tentang NAZI di kala itu, berawal dari rasa ketertarikan saya setelah menonton National Geographic Channel yang membuat saya penasaran untuk mengetahui tentang STEALTH (Pesawat Siluman), AREA 51, Reimar and Walter Horten (The Horten Brothers), Hans Kammler, Viktor Schauberger, HAUNEBU dan pada akhirnya videoNAZI UFO CONSPIRACY yang juga saya dapatkan di link YouTube.
Cukup dari saya (namanya juga masih belajar nge-blog hehehe) dan selamat nonton deh bos :)
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (1 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9cfagHi-I4
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (2 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zc5UeBvkEyk
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (3 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7evr1OCKLM
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (4 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bu5MYbKqVdw
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (5 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_jK9zO4fos
Nazi UFO Conspiracy (6 of 6) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9hmwWKH3hk
Ternyata NAZI sudah bisa membuat UFO di era Perang Dunia ke 2 (World War Two) dengan nama HAUNEBU!!. Apalagi yang ada di benak Hitler sehingga kepikiran membuat HAUNEBU yang menjadi salah satu senjata utama NAZI di era Perang Dunia ke 2 tersebut. Konsep rancangan flying saucer ini dibuat oleh salah satu ilmuwan dan inventor pada saat itu, yaitu Viktor Schauberger yang artikelnya sudah saya posting dari berbagai sumber beberapa hari yang lalu.
HAUNEBU The SS E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4), a development unit of the SS occult “Order of the Black Sun” was tasked with researching alternative energies to make the Third Reich independent of scarce fuel oil for war production. Their work included developing alternative energies and fuel sources through coal gasification, research into grain alcohol fuels, less complicated coal burning engines for vehicles and generators, as well as highly advanced liquid oxygen turbines, total reaction turbines, AIP (Air Independent Propulsion) motors and even EMG (Electro-Magnetic-Gravitic) engines.
This group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Coler’s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass. It was designated the Thule Triebwerk (Thrustwork, a.ka. Tachyonator-7 drive) and was to be installed into a Thule designed disc.
Since 1935 Thule had been scouting for a remote, inconspicuous, underdeveloped testing ground for such a craft. Thule found a location in Northwest Germany that was known as (or possibly designated as) Hauneburg. At the establishment of this testing ground and facilities the SS E-IV unit simply referred to the new Thule disc as a product - the "H-Gerät" (Hauneburg Device).
For wartime security reasons the name was shortened to Haunebu in 1939 and briefly designated RFZ-5 along with Vril‘s machines. At a much later time in the war as production of these craft was to commence the Hauneburg site was abandoned in favor of the more suitable Vril Arado Brandenburg aircraft testing grounds. Although designated as part of the RFZ series the Haunebu disc was actually a separate Thule product constructed with the help of the SS E-IV unit while the RFZ series were primarily built at Arado Brandenburg under Vril direction up to the RFZ-4 disc.
HAUNEBU I Moderately Armed Flight Gyro Diameter: 24.95 m Drive: Thule Tachyonator (Triebwerk) 7b Control: Mag Field Impulser 4 Speed: 4,800 km/h(theoretically up to 17,000 km/h) Range: Flight time of 18 h Armament: 2 x 80 mm KSK in rotating turret 4 x MK-108 in body Armor: Double Victalen Crew: 8 Hovering capability: 8 minutes All weather, day and night, capability Employment fitness: 60% First flight: 1939 Available for service: 1944
Heavily Armed Flight Gyro Diameter: 26.3m/ 32.0 m Do-Stra Drive: Thule Tachyonator (Thule Triebwerk) 7c Control: Mag Field Impulser 4a Speed: 6,000 km/h (theoretically up to 21,000 km/h) Armament: 6 x 80 mm KSK in 3 rotating turrets 1 x 110 mm KSK in 1 rotating turret Armor: Triple Victalen
Crew: 9 (with room for up to 20 people) Quiet flight: 19 minutes All weather, day and night, capable Employment fitness: 100% First flight: 1942 Available for service: 1944
Heavily Armed Flight Gyro Diameter: 71 m Drive: Thule Tachyonator (Thule Triebwerk) 7c plus SM-Levitators Control: Mag Field Impulser 4a Speed: 7,000 km/h (theoretically up to 40,000 km/h) Range: Flight time 7 to 8 weeks Armament: 4 x 110 mm KSK in 4 rotating turrets (3 lower/1 upper)
10 x 80 mm KSK in rotating turrets plus 6 x MK 108 8 x 50 mm KSK Armor: Triple Victalen Crew: 32 (with room for up to 70 people) Quiet flight: 25 minutes All weather, day and night, capability Employment fitness: 100% First flight: 1945 Available for service: 1945
Heavily Armed Flight Gyro Diameter: 120 m Project only projected for 1946
NAZI SECRET SPACE PROGRAM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKsxoy8twFo
What happened to the bell ? In 1945, "The Bell" was removed from its underground bunker under the command of, and accompanied by SS General Dr. Hans Kammler [SS General Kammler was also in charge of the V-2 missile program.] aboard a massive long range German aircraft [The very first aircraft equipped for mid-air refueling and the only one large enough to carry the Bell], never to be seen or heard from again. Speculation is that it wound up in South America.
The car is a 1938 Opel Admiral Cabriolet and the woman sitting in back with a horsetail hairstyle is Sigrun. All Vril circle members had horsetail hairstyles as psychic mediums which was not a popular Nazi hairstyle. Photo taken at Arado-Brandenburg
Mantan ibu negara Ainun Habibie yang sempat terbaring kritis di rumah sakit Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Klinikum Gro`hadern, Munchen, Jerman, akhirnya wafat pada pukul 17.30 waktu Jerman.
Demikian dikatakan mantan anggota Komisi I DPR RI yang melakukan kontak langsung dengan Habibie, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin, di Jakarta, Sabtu.
"Pak Habibie mengabarkan kepada saya pada pukul 22.48 WIB dan beliau menyampaikan permohonan maaf atas segala khilaf dan keluarga mohon doa restu dari seluruh masyarakat Indonesia atas berpulangnya Ibu," ujarnya.
Sebelumnya keluarga mantan Presiden Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie sudah pasrah dengan kondisi Hasri Ainun Habibie yang sangat kritis. Sejak pukul 06.00 waktu Jerman atau 12.00 WIB, semua alat bantunya sudah dilepas.
"Keluarga sudah pasrah kepada Allah," kata Ali Mochtar Ngabalin yang mendapat informasi dari Habibie, Sabtu (22/5).
Ali mengaku sudah empat kali dalam hari ini berkomunikasi dengan BJ Habibie. Keluarga Habibie, kata Ali, meminta doa dari seluruh masyarakat Indonesia.
"Kalau itu sudah jalannya, keluarga akan melepaskan. Meski mencintai (Ainun), tapi Allah lebih mencintainya," ujarnya.
Sebelumnya, penyakit bronchitis akut dan lemah jantung memaksa Ainun menjalani perawatan di Rumah Sakit Groszhadern Klinikum, Munich, Jerman sejak dua bulan lalu. Tim dokter mengaku telah berusaha maksimal mengembalikan kondisi kesehatan, meski hingga kini kondisi Ainun makin menurun.
Soal penyakit Ainun, Ali mengaku tidak tahu pasti. "Karena beliau sudah berumur, ya mungkin komplikasi," katanya.
Habibie, kata Ali, juga sempat berkomunikasi dengan Sekretaris Wakil Presiden Tursandi Alwi soal kemungkinan Ainun akan dibawa ke Indonesia. Sumber: TEMPO Interaktif, http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/kesra/2010/05/22/brk,20100522-249712,id.html
Lagi-lagi sebuah nama yang sangat asing buat saya, Viktor Schauberger. Bermula ketika saya menonton acara National Geographic Channel yang membuat saya jadi ingin tahu tentang Stealth (Pesawat Siluman), Area 51 yang berada di gurun Nevada yang ternyata itu semua kembali kepada era Perang Dunia ke 2 (World War II). Banyak sekali para ilmuwan yang berada dibelakang layar Perang Dunia ke 2 (World War II) tersebut, seperti: Reimar dan Walter Horten (The Horten Brothers), Alexander Lippisch, Viktor Schauberger, dan masih banyak lagi para ilmuwan yang berasal dari era NAZI pada saat itu. Namun halaman kali ini saya mencoba mengetahui siapa sebenarnya sosok dari Viktor Schauberger ini. Selamat membaca :)
Viktor Schauberger, Anti Gravity Propulsion Inventor
Viktor Schauberger was born the 30th of June 1885, he later died the 25th of September 1958. Viktor was a successful inventor and invented several inventions that used vortex like patterns that copied nature.
Viktor Schauberger was an Austrian forester who was active during the first half of the 19:th century. He had a huge beard and a friendly laughter, this he combined with an uncompromising belief in himself and his ideas. He was obstinate in combination with a choleric temper. He was a good drawer and probably a skilled craftsman. Even if Viktor was not schooled the academic way he had a deep knowledge in biology, physics and chemistry. His sense and understanding on how water flows in the nature was exceptional. From his observations he formulated his new hydrodynamic basic theory. His friends and opponents described him as highly intelligent and with this intellectual sharpness he made a deep cut in his (and ours) physical paradigm.
During World War Two, Victor Schauberger was interned in a Nazi concentration camp and was forced to work on a flying disk project using his ideas. It is not known if the project was completed, or, if the saucers actually flew in Germany. Reports vary, and no confirmed documentation remains. It is rather convincingly coincidental, however, that our own (US) pilots reported "strange flying disks" over Germany just prior to the War's end. After World War II, Viktormigrated to the United States on promises by various agencies (CIA) to help him develop and test his ideas. Those promises later proved to be hollow. He went to a facility in Dallas Texas, and under uncertain direction, signed over all of the rights to his inventions and patents, to, none other than the US government (Army, Navy...who knows?!). He was sent back to his home-land of Austria, only to die, broken and disillusioned five days later. It would make a great headline for the 'National Enquirer'...and unfortunately...it's TRUE!
His Inventions: The Repulsin :
An original picture-sketch of the Repulsine above : A flying model of a Schauberger Repulsine, Type A, tested in January 1940. This device has been built with copper and uses a very high speed motor for the main vortex turbine. The Repulsine Type "A" device is an Electro-Aero-Dynamic device (E.A.D.) and uses two effects :
1.) The Coanda Effect: a pure Aerodynamic effect based on the Bernoulli's principle.
2.) The Electro-Dynamic effect : The high speed vortex in the "vortex chamber" produces an electric, charged separation effect, called "the diamagnetic effect " by Schauberger. These two effects, combined, create the so-called "implosion effect"
When the main electric engine is started, the Coanda effect begins to create a differential aerodynamic pressure between the outer and the inner surface of the primary hull. At a higher speed, the vortex chamber becomes a kind of high electrostatic generator due to the air particles, in high speed motion, acting as an electrical charge transporter. The Repulsine will begin to glow due to the strong ionization effect of the air. Now, we have all the ingredients for a continuous and strong Aether Flow along the main axis from the top to the bottom of the craft...The radial air pressure required for lifting 1kg with the Coanda Effect is about 1,4 kg/cm2
Machines of Genius - The Repulsine, or "Flying Saucer" of Viktor Schauberger:
Viktor used implosion to run his devices, implosion created great power in his inventions. Also known as water-hammer or cavitation. Not very much is known about cavitation and how to apply it to inventions. Viktor however knew all too well how to use it in inventions.
When his repulsion would be in operation the turbine with the aid of implosion would create a propulsion effect which would levitate the craft into the air.
Most of the documentation you will find on Viktor Schauberger's work and inventions is almost always very technical. Experiments that you and I the struggling inventor can do to imitate his inventions are hard to come by. It would be nice if there would be some experiments we could try to see how his inventions actually work. I myself have searched through books written by him and on internet sites for actual experiments I could try to see how his inventions work. I have not found any. One of his books that does explain how he used water for anti gravity inventions is well explained for those who are not rocket scientists. It is a very good book. It explains how water really flows and how water is energized, it gives a lot of information on water flow and how he developed his anti gravity ideas from watching trout go upstream. He noticed that they jumped up over rocks and such when going upstream, he noticed a kind of anti gravity levitation when they jumped upstream. This allowed him to experiment and learn a lot about water flow. He also created several inventions for logging, his inventions for sending logs through water to designated areas were very successful. Viktor maintains that water should not flow in a straight line, water likes to flow in curves, like down a winding river, it energizes the water.
Repulsin B -To the Left is a picture of an original prototype showing the major components of the "Repulsine, type B" engine. The air, being drawn in from the top slits, is set into a spiral vortex movement. Schauberger had claimed that once the devise was set in motion, the primary motor could be switched off and the forces at work would power the generator, which was housed in a central location inside the craft.
The implosion motoruses the suction forces of implosion; there is no heat barrier and no sound barrier, because with friction almost entirely lacking, no heat is generated. The air flows through the rotating air inlets, placed in the middle, and follows the gap between the double membranes (with the wave pattern). This creates a spiral contraction of the flowing medium and creates a vacuum which increases the "pull", via implosion. The enhanced vortex turbine uses two flat membranes with concentric "rills" on it. A wave pattern has been set on the upper and on the lower membrane. The upper wave is slightly out of phase with the lower wave. This is a direct application of the "Coanda" effect. The air flow passes through small cavities where the volume sometimes is larger, and sometimes smaller, due to the difference in phase relationship between the upper and the lower membrane. When the air passes different cavities it starts to pulsate. The pulsations are directly dependant on the angular speed of the discs. This "push-pull" action creates an harmonic pulsation of energy...
The Repulsine uses the same phenomena. Cold water, drawn through a base hole, is spun in between the two wavy impellers and cools the air inside the units’ shell. As this partial vacuum draws in the air, it is spun into a cyclone by intake fins. After the air is cooled and humidified, still spinning, it is then expelled from an upper turbine, which reacts with the exiting cyclone. This centrifugal air has so much angular momentum that it is able to leave the Repulsine, even against a strong internal vacuum. That is a direct analogy to the rocking tank implosion-based water pump, described above.
The hot, rising vapor, trapped in a snail-shaped chimney, is lighter then the surrounding dry air and adds to the suction on the Repulsine's top. The upper turbine, spun by the exiting cyclones' action, directly drives the internal wavy vaporizing discs, which atomize the cold intake water. The electric motor (used for starting purposes) only has one purpose, and that is to spin up the vaporizer so that it properly atomizes the cold water from the inlet hose. The power source is implosion of hot, dry, desert air.
Remember that the power source is the Thermal difference between cold ground water and hot, dry desert air, just as is done in the implosion tank-rocking water pump from Texas. There is no mystery here. This device does nothing but convert the energy present in the combination of cold ground water with hot dry atmosphere. That is how it actually works. In many ways, it is similar to Schauberger’s water turbine, which also uses a pulsed pressure reservoir. Keep in mind that without the cold-water input, the pulsating vacuum trapped inside the Repulsine soon diminishes and stops. There is a lot of mystery behind this device.
To quote on what Schauberger said:
“ I connected the implosion motor to an outdoor water tap and it began to spin and finally took off, powered off of nothing more then ordinary, cold, tap water.”
If you look at the Repulsine, you will find a water pipe beneath, sticking out to the side. Schauberger was a master of water implosion technology. It is possible to cool air by simply pulling on a piston, but you require work to do that. At the same time, if you compressed air in a piston, it will get hot. That requires force over a distance or mechanical work to accomplish. You see; there is no gain! Simply expanding a piston and contracting it (or a vortex) accomplishes little more then creating a spring. We all know springs eventually stop bouncing. Schauberger’s expanding and contracting tornado also eventually ceases without an energy source. Recall the Hilsch-Rankine tube or Maxwell’s demon. The tube generates spiral airflow and creates hot air in the large tube and cold air -140F in the small diameter tube. In order to accomplish this, compressed air in large volumes must be used for its ability to do work. No free ride there. It is possible to make a vertical tube howl like a banshee, but the second the flame is removed from the tubes’ inside wall - the resonance stops. Again, it requires a defined energy source. That is Viktor Schauberger’s secret.
Hopefully someone will soon come along who will explain it to us in plain English how his devices work, and show us a prototype of similar design to Viktor's. If we are to combat Climate Change and natural disasters technology using Viktor's ideas would surely help us a great deal. We could also build flying crafts with his inventions. It is a pity that those who used Viktor to gain his knowledge have left nothing to the public of his inventions or more insight into his work.
1885Viktor Schauberger born in Holzschlag, Upper Austria, into a family with a long tradition of caring for the unspoilt Alpine forests.
1914-18 Soon after the birth of his son Walter, Viktor was enlisted in the Kaiser's army.
1919 Appointed forest warden and gamekeeper.
1920 Became head warden ('forst meister') in Brunnenthall-Steyerling, the property of Prince Adolph van Schaumburg-Lippe.
1922 Radical designs of new log flume at Steyerling, which greatly reduced cost of bringing trees out of inaccessible mountains, with no damage to the timber.
1924-28 National consultant for timber flotation, building successful flumes in Austria, Bavaria and Yugoslavia.
1929 First patent applications for water engineering and turbines. This was a very creative time, and for the next few years he did a lot of writing.
1930-32 Experiments with producing electrical energy directly from water, converting degraded into pure water and the prototype of the 'trout turbine' based on his observations of a trout's behaviour in a fast flowing stream. Study of comparative agricultural methods in Bulgaria, sanctioned by King Boris.
1933 Publication of his only book, Unsere Sinnlose Arbeit "Our Senseless Toil - The Cause of the World Crisis"; subtitled 'Growth through Transformation, not Destruction, of the Atom'. Meeting with Hitler to discuss Viktor's ideas about power generation and agricultural methods.
1936-7 Arnold Hohl made detailed records of his visits to Viktor Schauberger, with contemporary writings, letters, notes and comments which were published in 1993 in a special edition of Mensch und Technik - naturmass (Humanity & Technology - in accordance with Nature).
1938 Constructs with his son Walter a replica of Lord Kelvin's Falling Water Experiment of capillary research, generating a voltage of 20,000 volts.
1940 The first Repulsine (flying saucer) built first in Berlin and then in Vienna, where the prototype broke from its mooring and smashed through the factory's ceiling. Heinkel steals Viktor's copyright and builds his Schriever 'Flying Top' in his Rostock factory.
1943 Himmler gives the SS the task of producing secret weapons. Viktor gets sucked into the Nazi machine against his will.
1944Schauberger drafted into the SS and ordered (on pain of death) to develop an improved Repulsine and a submarine engine for Germany's war effort, at the Mathausen concentration camp. All prototypes and working models of the Repulsine subsequently ordered by Field Marshall Keitel to be destroyed on the collapse of the German armies.
1945 Invading Russian intelligence team removes Viktor's research papers and his models from his Vienna flat. Held for a month in 'protective custody' by American forces in Austria who decided he was not to be deported to the USA, as were countless other German atomic scientists, engineers and physicists. Viktor starts work on his Klimator, for domestic air conditioning.
1945-50 Focuses on research to increase soil fertility and agricultural production.
1950 Patent application for his radical 'golden plough'. Viktor's son Walter invited by St. Barbe Baker to go on a top universities lecture tour in England. British scientists impressed, but admitted to St. Barbe afterwards that, though his implosion theories were unchallengeable, their adoption would mean 'rewriting all the textbooks in the world'.
1952 The experiments carried out at the Department of Hygiene at the Stuttgart University of Technology by Prof. Franz Pöpel, on the investigation of friction in helicoids pipes with various forms of wall structure. This independent investigation was to vindicate Viktor's theories of how to reduce (even to a negative value) the friction of liquids in pipes.
1956 A Canadian aerospace company offers to buy a propulsion system for their Avrocar disc from Schauberger, which he declined because it was likely to be used for military purposes. Another offer of $3 million by an American company he turned down for the same reason.
1958 In April, Viktor agrees go with his son Walter to Texas to develop radical power technology with an American consortium. Disagreement ensues as to the purpose of the research, and after refusing to cooperate, they were allowed to go home only on condition that Viktor surrendered to the Consortium all his patents past, present and future. Viktor dies, a desolate man, five days after returning home.
1966 Dr. Evgeny Podkletnov, a Russian scientist admits to Jane's Defence Weekly editor that his father was given Schauberger's papers, from which he was able to develop an anti-gravity device which, in 2002, was introduced into the Boeing Aerospace programme.
Reimar dan Walter Horten, siapakah mereka ? ya udah, mending langsung masuk ke artikelnya aja deh siapa sebenarnya Reimar dan Walter Horten atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan The Horten Brothers ini.
Who were the Hortens, and why haven't we heard more about them? Reimar and Walter Horten were two brothers who were born and raised in the Germany of the early 20th century. This was an exciting time for aviation, as almost everything was new, and there was plenty of room for new designs. Being blessed with parents who supported their efforts (to the extent of having the dining room become part of the construction site!), Reimar was fascinated by the idea of airplanes which consisted solely of a wing, without the struts, wires, wheels, and various surfaces which dominated the airplanes of the day.
Created by Derek Carter (cartoonist)
The War Years 1939 - 1945
Walter spent the first six months of the war as fighter pilot on the western front, flying a Me 109 in Fighter Squadron No. 26. My other brother, Wolfram, fell at Dunkirk when his He 111 was shot down. I was also trained as a Me 109 pilot, but later in August 1940, transferred to the glider pilot school in Braunschweig. Here, 80 two place "Kranich" sailplanes were being modified to carry ammunition during "Operation Sea lion", the planned invasion of England. Five Ho III b's and two Ho II's were also to be modified. This became my task
Operation "Sea lion" was eventually canceled, which gave me the opportunity to start on the next project, the Ho IV. Work continued until the school was moved to Konigsberg in December.
Meanwhile the Ho V had been parked in the open since the start of the war, and was deteriorating fast. We finally managed to get permission to have it repaired in August of 1941.
The building of the Ho IV continued in Konigsberg, and the aircraft was completed in just eight months.
An Ho III b was being built in Bonn, that would be converted to a "d" model, with the installation of a Walter Micron engine.
The Air Force wanted a test aircraft for the new Schmitt-Argus pulse jet engine, and inquired about using the Ho V. As the thrust of the engine was in excess of what the aircraft could handle, a new, heavier aircraft with similar features was proposed. This would be the Ho VII, a fully acrobatic two seater, with provisions for the jet engine between its two pusher propellers.
The Ho VII would also be an excellent training aircraft. One prototype was ordered from the Peschke factory in Minden.
The Ho VII with Air Force designation 8-254, was soon completed, but did not receive the pulse jet as planned, and remained a training aircraft. The Peschke plant needed additional work, and soon six Ho III's were in production. Using parts from surplus Ho III b's, one model "e" with VW engine, three "f" s with prone pilot accommodation and two "g" two seaters were completed.
Our next project was a large aircraft with 120 ft. span and six engines. This Ho VIII would have two fuselage pod configurations one for cargo, the other build as a flying wind tunnel. Unfortunately, no contract was received to build it.
In March 1943, the performance curves and installation drawings for the Junkers 004 jet engine came into our hands. Walter had seen the Me 262, and obtained data that had previously been kept secret. Work on the Ho VII was put aside, as we eagerly sought to submit a proposal for the 1000-1000-1000 jet that Reichsmarshal Goering had requested.
Our proposal was accepted, and the Reichsmarshal ordered the first Ho IX (8-229) to be flown within six months.
The Ho IX contract generated a flurry of activity that none of our workshops could handle alone. Thus, the work was spread out, and efficiency suffered. For flight tests, a Ho III was modified with 60 sweep back to become the Ho XIII a, and two high aspect ratio Ho Vl's were built in Aegidienberg for "middle-effect" testing.
Despite the hardships, the Ho IX V-1 flew in March 1 as a glider, precise on schedule. The jet powered V-2 was scheduled to fly three months later.
After the first successful flight of the Ho IX V-2, the Ho VIII project was approved, and the aircraft was half finished when the war ended. The production contract for the Ho IX was awarded to the Gothaer Waggonfabrik.
Our final contract; to develop a six jet long range bomber, was received on March 12, 1945.
The Argentina Years
Working conditions in Argentina were even more difficult than in Germany during the war. Spruce and thin birch plywood were not available; inferior local materials had to be used. Glue was the largest problem. The General in charge of the Institute had ordered that the glue be prepared in the chemistry department. By the time it reached us, it had started to harden, and was mostly spoiled. Several aircraft were lost due to glue-failures.
The destiny of a new prototype was also peculiar: No sooner had it flown before the Public Relations Department had it sent off to some remote village, where it would be on display in a park until grass started growing from the wings.
Afterwards it was ready for the salvage yard.
Nine sailplanes were produced under these rather difficult circumstances.
Hitler Stealth Fighter - Horten Ho IX Source from YouTube Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg3csCtIkhI
Dr. Reimar Horten: 12 March 1915 Bonn, Germany - 14 March 1994 Villa General Belgrano, Argentina.
Dr. Walter Horten: 13 November 1913 Bonn, Germany - 9 December 1998 Baden, Baden
Sumber Artikel dan Foto: 1. http://www.nurflugel.com/Nurflugel/Horten_Nurflugels/Horten_Biography/body_horten_biography.html 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horten_brothers 3. https://www.fiddlersgreen.net/models/aircraft/Horten-HoIV.html 4. http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/aviation/horten-ho-ix-gotha-go-229-o-ho-229-a-24160-2.html 5. http://www.greyfalcon.us/The%20Horten%20Ho%20229.htm
Nah lo !! NAZI pernah ke bulan ?? setidaknya saya tidak bisa menyembunyikan rasa penasaran saya mengenai headline dari surat kabar Truth Today yang bertuliskan "THERE ARE NAZIS ON THE MOON!". Di surat kabar tersebut mencantumkan suatu gambar/logo swastika yang berlokasi (mungkin) di Bulan yang dimana kejadian tersebut dikatakan terjadi di tahun 1945 (wah pas dengan Indonesia mendeka dong). Seperti biasa mengenai benar tidaknya NAZIpernah ke Bulan saya serahkan kepada anda sekalian semua, apakah headline dari surat kabar tersebut dapat dipercaya atau sekedar kebohongan saja (hoax) ? Ada desas desus juga mengatakan bahwa NAZI membangun suatu markas di Bulan sejak perang dunia ke dua berakhir, makin bingung kan ? mending langsung liat aja surat kabar Truth Today yang headline nya "THERE ARE NAZIS ON THE MOON!"
Sangat disayangkan sumber ini berasal dari website yang berbahasa Jerman, oleh karena itu dari pada saya pusing ga tau artinya mendinng anda saja yang coba mengartikan headline "THERE ARE NAZIS ON THE MOON!" ini.
Jika kemampuan Bahasa Jerman anda bagus :) saya sarankan langsung kunjungi sumber ini: "CLAIM: THERE ARE NAZIS ON THE MOON!" http://www.gwk.udk-berlin.de/blogs/scheinwahr/2009/02/10/dark-side-of-the-moon-nicht-die-amis-die-nazis-waren-es/
Sumber Video "THERE ARE NAZIS ON THE MOON!"di YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzBF2Fym7j0